Hey there! Today, I want to encourage you to just embrace love with your family, without any filters or restrictions.
Take a moment to feel the love within you. When you exhale, let that love spread out and connect with the love around you. 💖
Remember, everything is happening beyond all the facades and illusions. ✨
Picture your family members breathing in this love and letting go of their preconceived notions.
Feel the love pouring out from their kind hearts. Picture it radiating from your mom, dad, siblings, nieces, and nephews.
Forgive your family in advance for anything they believe about themselves that isn't even real. 🙏

Today say this...
“I forgive you for the pain that you think is real.”
“I forgive you for the fear that you think is real.”
“I forgive you for the hurt that you think is real.”
“I realize all of that is just your experience and this is the experience that you need to return to love. 💛
I release you to God. I release all of you to God. Your path is perfect. Your suffering is perfect. Your separation is perfect… Because none of it exists. ✨
I love you so much that I’m willing to give you your experience because it is everything you need to return to love and end the experience of all separation.”
So, I celebrate your experience of pain. I celebrate your experience of suffering of fear…
Because as soon as you look in my eyes and feel my heart, you’ll know that none of it is real, and you’ll remember who you are!
It is all perfect!”
Send love to all of your family! 🙌
Prepare yourself for an exquisite and enchanting gathering that feels like a celestial celebration! Picture a soirée where you are surrounded by a host of angels, each word they utter resonating as if it were a sacred message descending from the heavens above, filling the air with an aura of divine grace and beauty.
Take a moment to revel in the profound sense of appreciation emanating from your family, as they express their heartfelt gratitude for curating this enchanting bubble of love and warmth that envelops everyone present. It is a testament to the love and care you have poured into creating a space where love flourishes and bonds are strengthened, creating memories that will be cherished forever. ❤️
Allow yourself to be swept away by the ethereal atmosphere of this gathering, where love, joy, and harmony intertwine to create a moment that feels truly magical and transcendent.